About me

Hi there! I am a graduate researcher, and software engineer who is interested in working on the intersection of academia and industry, specifically where they collide (that's why I love be a researcher with industrial experiences, and personally take steps towards that goal).

Let's make it clear! Software is eating the world! This means software is serving tons of other businesses around the world. So the question is: Why don't we use software (methods to be delivered as software) to improve the software development process? That's why many software researchers are considering building software tools to enhance software development life cycle as their research lines, and me as well (SaaS4Software, makes sense, right?).

During the last several years (mainly the PhD program), we were heading to make Software Maintenance more automated. That's where the software appears to serve the software. At the end, with the assistance of several techniques and tools from the community, we eventually were able to come up with a reproducible tool to serve the software development teams. Of course, we are not going to stop, and continue working on software issues to bring improvement for SDLC.
Besides, I am quite active as an industrial practitioner. You need to practically interact with the industry-related challenges (hopefully in a particular business) to understand it (“Tell me, and I forget. Show me, and I remember. Involve me, and I understand.” - Chinese proverb). This gives you the chance to come up with more practical solutions and outcomes when focusing on academic projects, especially in the Information Technoloy world.


Software Engineer

Jan. 2022 - Now
Lipak, Tehran

I am working as a backend Java software developer @ Lipak.

We serve fronts (SPAs) Restful APIs upon the request they make to manipulate the Models.

The whole architecture follows the Spring MVC, and the main technologies we working with are: Spring boot and Postgresql.

We are dependent to plenty of techs (libs, packages, etc.) to move forward with the requirements (mainly those related to develop and maintain Spring boot web application)

Internship in Software Engineering

Aug 2019 - Dec 2019 (6 months)
Pajouhan Matin, Shiraz

I worked as a software designer, mainly contributing to Free Software projects. i.e., mxGraph.

The company is known as one of the best in serving Call Centers over the country. But it is not only the job the Matin is known for. It owns a great team of developers who are great in implementing BI centered projects.

The company is located in Technological Park of Shiraz which is equipped by modern facilities. Matin prepares a great environment for those who are going to grow and being mentored by high-tech professionals.

Visiting Researcher

Apr 2018 - Dec 2018 (8 months)
URJC, Madrid

During my visit, I had the chance to work with the LibreSoft research team at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. A remarkable collaboration with a small, but strongly active FOSS research community.

Software Developer

Sep 2015 - Oct 2017 (2 years and 1 month)
ASAN (asre telecom), Shiraz, Iran

I worked as a full-stack developer with the focusing on .NET technologies.

We developed a web-based information system which was intended to serve the staff in the ISP company.


Over the last 10 years I have been studying in the area of Software Engineering, such an ongoing journey for me! I had the chance to contribute to several projects ranging from those I have been as owner (mainly those from academia) and also the ones belonging to industrial jobs.

Lipak - Lipak is a sale company located in Tehran/Iran that provides online services in terms of the review/sale of broad specturm of goods.
Asre Telecom - A web application on top of .Net technologies to serve the ISP staff.
Automatic Ads as A Service (AAaaS) - Prototype of a context-aware system intended to deliver ads to the user over a particular region on the basis of the user's location and time.
Software Change Management_Task Assignment (SCM_TA) - The core of a self-adaptive task assignment system which serves software development teams.


IST: Information and Software Technology (reviewer)
Publicity chair in OSS & OpenSym 2022
MSR 2022 hackathon (PC member)
SQJO: Software Quality Journal (reviewer)
ISTE: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering (reviewer)
ICSE 2021 (Student volunteer)
ICSME 2018 (Student volunteer)

Skills & Proficiency


Spring boot


Spring Cloud




HTML5, JavaScript & CSS



MongoDB (NoSQL)



Apache Spark

Data-Driven Software